Annual Charity Day 2015

Santa Maria Annual Charity Event 2015

Our annual Charity Event was held early July with our captain John Lewis choosing a breast cancer charity – the Asociacion de Mujeres Operadas de Cancer de Mama (ASAMMA) from Malaga.
Normally, this is a men only, white tee competition but this year, ladies were included, playing off similarly challenging tees to the men – which they really enjoyed. It was a team event including a raffle and auction to help raise funds. Players could even purchase one mulligan per person giving all players an chance at recovery.
The event organizer – Carol du Toit – had great support from all the ladies especially Sheila Watson who was her right hand woman and Maxine Porter and Gill Ballard who did a great job selling raffle tickets. The event was well attended and the auction afterwards contributed greatly towards the funds.
The competition was an AM AM format with the winning team being “Dick Turpin” (Brian Talbot, Miguel Gil, Antonio Guadix and Leila Mennad).

Winning Team 'Dick Turpin' Mesa de Premios
The runner-up team was “Orange Tree” (Frank Ammar, Edmon Goosman, Leighton Specs and Bill James).
Our sponsors were too many to mention but special thanks goes to the Management of Santa Maria Golf & Country Club who again provided the complete golf course and buggies for the event.
A total of € 6,575 was raised for ASAMMA
ASAAMA thanked us graciously giving us a wonderful plaque in appreciation.

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